It seems simple when you start a business.
You need customers…..yesterday.
So out you go and and chase down any lead that comes your way, hit people up with at least 7 (cos that’s the magic number, apparently) touch points before you accept the no, network your ass off and just keep hitting the public with offers, discounts and freebies until you get them to part with their hard earned.
*family fortunes buzzer sound* Uh-UH
Trying to persuade someone to part with their money is such a very long and exhausting way to do business.
Much better to entice them into your world, where they can recognise a kindred spirit, a fellow warrior in the fight for better coffee/beautiful design/the perfect raincoat for dogs.
Once you have them on board you are in a much stronger position to make a sale.But how do we do this?
Who is Us?
First, be incredibly clear about your point of view and broadcast that as clearly as possible.
Whether thats being the counter to the perceived wisdom in your sector, evangelising about a particular process or tool, it doesnt matter what the mechanism is as long as its abundantly clear from a distance.
The more you speak about your own passions and opinions, the more chances you are giving to people like to see them and think ‘oh my god that’s me!’
Be more specific
Second, Stop trying to speak to everyone. Make it really clear who you are speaking to… for KiN its accidental entrepreneurs who’ve been in business for a while but feel like they are winging it and want to stop surviving and get on with growing their business. See how much clearer that is than ‘Small business owners’?
Much easier to tell if you are in that first category than the millions of SME owners in the UK. Unless you are speaking to someone specific you are relevant to no-one
Its the maybe’s that will kill you…
Third, Unless its a hell yes take my money, its a no. And yes, that includes maybes as well.
We all remember that from when we were kids, if you ask mum or dad for something and they said ‘maybe’ then you knew deep down they were hoping you’d forget about it so they don’t have to deal with a kick off.
A maybe is a polite no. Keep them on your mailing list but don’t waste anymore 1 on 1 time with them.
Your real customers are out there and the longer you spend faffing about trying to persuade the tyre kickers and bargain hunters the less time you have to speak to your genuine customers about whats important to them.
Its hard to say no to what you perceive as potential customer, especially in the early days of any business but get practicing. It is one of the most powerful tools in your box.
Have an opinion.
Be clear about your audience
If you get anything other than a Hell Yes back then don’t waste anymore time on it.