Read This - BEFORE You Do Any Business Training
Not all business training courses are created equal – sorry to break this to you – kinda
However, once you know, this you can save yourself a lot of pain and frustration – and avoid feeling like you have wasted your time and effort and are no further forward with your business.
Before you do any business training, there are a few things that you need to get clear in your head before you start so that you can choose the most useful training for yourself and your business.
Business Training is expensive, in terms of your own invested time and attention (before you even think about how much you are paying in cash terms) and asking yourself a few of the right questions before you start…can help you massively reduce the I bit of ROI
(That’s the investment bit of Return on Investment)
Full disclosure, this is the subject of a book I am publishing later in the year – so if the ideas here grab you – drop me a line via our contact page to find out a little more (and get a preview copy), the book goes into a LOT more detail both in terms of what you need to think about AND what you need to do about it.
The Problem With Business Training
There is a fundamental issue with the way most business training is created, it kind of assumes that there is a “best way” of doing business, and that if you as a business owner are shown/taught/waterboarded the ‘best’ information, then your business will magically change.
There are two ways this fundamental problem will show up for you.
Problem 1 - No Two Businesses Are Alike
EVEN if you and I were running identical florist shops, next door to each other on the same street, with similar websites and product ranges – we would need completely different types of advice based on:
- The kind of people we are,
- Our current levels of understanding,
- The learning style that is best for us specifically
- Our appetite for the application of new knowledge,
- How much time and resources we had free to apply in solving our problem
Plus any number of other variables can play a massive part in how we, learn, solve problems and apply our plan to grow our business (you do have a plan…right?)
Business advice or training is simply not transferrable, nor universally applicable.
The world is simply changing too fast and in too many directions at once for there to be ONE answer to each question…
New business models and techniques are popping up all the time, showing that almost anything is possible, with the right amount of thinking, design and application.
The worlds biggest taxi firm – owns no taxis (Uber)
The worlds biggest hotel chain – owns no buildings (Air B&B)
The worlds biggest retailer – owns no shops, or even products (Amazon)
Every business has a different version of their current challenge that they need to find a solution to – which is specific to their business – and the help they need is equally as specific.
Problem 2 - What You Know Will Not Grow Your Business – What You Actually Do…Will
Let me give you an example.
I am a fat man.
Do you think finding out more about salad and healthy eating will help me drop the ever-increasing number of pounds I carry around my waist?
Of course not.
Knowing more about salad will make zero difference…its when I start putting some on my fork (rather than pies) that things will start to change.
It’s the same with your business.
All the training courses in the world, delivered by the best people with the swishiest organisations will be ZERO HELP to your business. IT’S WHAT YOU APPLY when you get back to work, that will move the needle.
Most business training courses will simply give you information during the session…and then send you on your merry way.
What you ACTUALLY NEED, is a structured and supported process that holds your hand as you apply your new learning and holds you accountable for all the stuff that you say you are going to do.
How To Make Business Training Actually Work
I have a rather large hatful of practical and useful techniques for how to make any business training you attend more useful for you, based on working directly with 2,000 businesses of all sizes since the year 2005.
…and they are all in my upcoming book.
However, I want to be as useful as possible for you so what follows are some super basic principles, that you can apply to ANY learning situation so you actually grow your business, rather than just increase the number of unread notebooks in your desk drawer.
Buckle up buttercup, they aren’t pretty but they ABSOLUTELY work – GUARANTEED!
1. Spend some time knowing which problem you need to solve
More information simply won’t save you.
So spend a little time unearthing the actual challenge you need to overcome. (I have literally had this conversation 3 times today.) Dig down into the root issue.
What is stopping your business from growing?
Staff? – not a problem (its an area of your business) – Dig in
What about your staff is a problem?
My staff aren’t doing what I want them to. – ok, that’s a problem
What is causing that problem? Do they have a system to follow? Are they properly trained? Do they have clear incentives? Do those incentives work?, etc etc
There are vague systems for them to follow. – ok
Have the systems been deliberately designed or evolved over time?
Evolved over time – ok
You can see where I am going with this. You think you have a ‘staff’ problem, but a more effective place to start is how to evaluate, design, manage and improve systems within your business.
Which means you will be able to choose better business training courses AND be more sensitive to the right information for you when it shows up AND you can ask the trainers better questions about how to apply your new learning in your specific business…when you get back to work.
We call it ‘Just in Time’ learning – as we only tend to be able to focus on the most important challenge to us right now, before we can move on to the next.
2. Make Space in your Diary for ‘Application Time’
In the same way that your muscles don’t grow when you are at the gym (spoilers – they grow when you rest back at home). Your business will only grow when you get back to your business and start applying.
So clear some time in your diary – EVERY WEEK – to put what you have learned into practice.
If you don’t do this, don’t bother going on the training course – because you are wasting your time.
You will be surprised at the massive results you will get by having a consistent two hours per week to work ON your business, not IN your business.
Put the time in your diary – make sure it is NEVER shifted, or taken up with something else and give yourself the best chance possible.
Consistency is everything.
3. Measure EVERYTHING you work on
You have done some business training – because you want to improve parts of your business – right?
You have done the learning and are starting the applying – so how can you tell whether the new stuff is better than the old stuff?
By measuring.
Skip this stage at your peril
Yes I know its fiddly
Yes I know it is boring
Yes I know you would rather do almost ANYTHING else
But just like any journey…you can only tell if you are making progress by understanding where you started, where you want to be and where you are now.
Or you could just make it up as you go along, be unsure and keep changing your mind every five minutes because you saw something new and shiny on the internet…?
4. Get a Squad
The science on this is unequivocal.
Changing our behaviour is hard
…and it is hardest when you are on your own… This is why 12 step programmes and weight loss support groups exist.
So make it easier for yourself by giving yourself the magic ingredient that almost guarantees winning!
An accountability buddy…or group of people.
Some research suggests we are around 90 – 95% more likely to reach our goals with the right people around us.
None of us can live our most marvellous life alone. We just aren’t built like that.
The Takeaway
The simple truth is that you don’t do business training for its own sake – you want to make positive exciting changes to our actual business.
Do this:
- Define the problem clearly
- Give yourself time to apply what you learn
- Measure your progress
- Get an accountability buddy or ten
Sometimes it is difficult to know where to find your squad…so we thought we would help with that.
You could check out our KiNsiders community
A group of super supportive business mates, regular virtual workshops, personal guidance and a cheering section like you wouldn’t believe!
Always on your side, always fresh content and always keeping you accountable to the best possible you.
People we worked with in 2023 successfully designed and launched new products, won business awards and increased their income significantly.
So, do yourself a favour and give yourself the best possible chance of making 2024 a year you want to have…get some help
Thanks for reading – Neil x